Welcome to CCK ERP

Online Admission Guidelines

The students who wants to apply for the online form fill up in HS 1st year (both Arts and Commerce), B.COM. and M.COM. should first get register in the website www.commereccollege.ac.in IMPORTANT! The email ID and contact umber used for registration must belong to the applicant. The email address and contact number must be valid and functional. There is no scope for changing the registered email address and contact number in future. All communications shall be sent only to the registered email address and contact number only.

Steps to apply
  • To get register yourself first go to www.commereccollege.ac.in and click on Online Form Fillup.
  • Click on New Registration
  • Provide your email and contact number. system will sent an OTP via email & SMS.
  • Provide OTP and proceed further, after successful verification of OTP provide necessary details as name and password and proceed further.
  • Click on log in and provide your email and password and proceed further.
  • Click on Admission and then New Admission.
  • Provide all necessary details belongs to you. Upload all the documents.
  • After successful submission system will redirect you to the payment gateway for form fill up fee (This is only form fill up fee).
  • After payment, you can download your application form and can view your payment status under 'My Payments'.

  • After verification of details college authority will send a admission confirmation message via email and SMS.
  • While you receive the confirmation message, immediately log in to the system and admission payment link will be visible.
  • Click on the link and pay the amount.
  • After that you can download your admission receipt.
Documents required at the time of admission form fill up
  • MIGRATION (if any).
  • BANK PASSBOOK (self)
  • Admission Fee Structure Click for detailed structure
    ClassesFee (Rs.)Major(Rs.)Project(Rs.)Total(Rs.)
    HS 1st yr. (Arts & Comm)4650004650
    B.Com. 1st sem4180004180
    M.Com. 1st sem112900011290
    Speical Note 1) Fee required for Fee Waiver Candidate - H.S. (Commerce) = Rs. 1520/- - UG (B.Com) = Rs. 800/- 2) Fees structure for 4 (four) Year B.Com (UG) Course 2nd to 8th Semester will be notified in due course of time

    Two year Higher Secondary Course

    StreamsCore SubjectsCompulsory SubjectsElective Subjects
      1. English
      2. MIL
      1. Assamese (MASS)
      2. Bengali (MBEN)
      3. Hindi (MHIN)
      4. Bodo (MBOD)
      5. Nepali (Nepali)
      6. Alternative English (ALTE)
    3. Accountancy (ACOU)
    4. Business Studies (BUST)
    5. Economics (ECON)
    6. Finance (FINC)
    7. Business Mathematics and Statistics (BMST)
      1. English
      2. MIL
      1. Assamese (MASS)
      2. Bengali (MBEN)
      3. Hindi (MHIN)
      4. Bodo (MBOD)
      5. Nepali (Nepali)
      6. Alternative English (ALTE)
    3. Economics (ECON)
    4. Political Science (POSC)
    5. Education (EDUC)
    6. History (HIST)
    7. Computer Science & Application (CSCA)
    8. Advance Language (Any one)
    1. Advance Assamese (ADAS)
    2. Advance Bodo (ADBO)
    3. Advance Hindi (ADHI)
    4. Advance Bengali (ADBE)

    Four year (eight semester) degree course in Commerce under Bodoland University (BU): There is a three year course (semester system) of study for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com). It shall consist of six semester (three year).

    Transaction Fee

    SL. No.Type Of TransactionTransaction processing FeeAggregation, Reconciliation & MIS FeesTotal Fees
    1 Credit Cards Transaction Processing Fee – (Visa/Master) 1.25%0.25%1.50% of Transaction Value
    2 Net banking Transaction Processing Fee Rs. 15/-Rs. 5/-Rs. 20/- Per Transaction
    3 Wallet/Cash Card Transaction Processing Fee 1.25%0.25%1.50% of Transaction Value
    4 Debit Card (RuPay) Transaction Processing Fee NILNILNIL
    5 Debit Card (Visa/Master) Transaction Processing Fee NIL0.90%0.90% of Transaction Value (to be borne by Entity)
    6 UPI Transaction Processing Fee NILNILNIL
    Contact Us
    Principal, Commerce College Kokrajhar
    BTAD, Assam, Pin – 783370.
    Mail Us – principal@commercecollege.ac.in
    Call Us Ph. – 03661-271253 / 8822130292
    Hours Monday – Saturday 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
    Terms & Condition

    All legal affairs to be deal under Kokrajhar Jurisdiction

    Privacy Policy

    All decision undertaken by the Management & Governing body are termed to be final. All dispute to be settled arbitrarily under the chairmanship of the Principal, Commerce College Kokrajhar No documents to be disclosed/published in public without written directive of Principal, Commerce College Kokrajhar.

    Refund/Cancellation Policy

    Multiple times debiting of Candidate Card/Bank Account due to technical error OR Candidate’s account being debited with excess amount in a single transaction due to technical error. In such cases, excess amount excluding Payment Gateway charges would be refunded to the candidate. Multiple times debiting of Candidate Card/Bank Account due to technical error OR Candidate’s account being debited with excess amount in a single transaction due to technical error. In such cases, excess amount excluding Payment Gateway charges would be refunded to the candidate. The Candidate will have to make an application for refund along with the transaction number and original payment receipt if any generated at the time of making payments. The application in the prescribed format should be sent to principal@commercecollege.ac.in The application will be processed manually and after verification, if the claim is found valid, the amount received in excess will be refunded by organization through electronic mode in favor of the applicant and confirmation sent to the mailing address given at the time of enrollment, within a period of 7-10 calendar days on receipt of such claim. In case of any queries, please call – Ph. – 03661-271253 / 8822130292 Office or write to principal@commercecollege.ac.in